Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Obama on Electricity

Barack Obama says that "under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily sky-rocket", he also said in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle that trade energy policy "would cause electricity rates to sky-rocket". The necessity for alternative energy specifically solar energy is at an all time high. If you were to go over your utility rates for the past 10-15 years you would notice that your rates have increased 4.5% and electricity rates are expected to increase 5.5% over the next 15 years. With a photovalic system going green is now a great way to provide a low fixed cost on your utility bills. As our energy consumption "sky-rockets" it is no longer a secret that so will the cost. Not only are we paying for our energy consumption with hard earned money we are also becoming increasingly dependent on foreign oil. Alternative energy is not only good for the environment its good for your wallet.

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